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Hello Beauty:) Yes, you beautiful One! Open for a heart to heart conversation? The ground we are standing on is shifting so fast and we...

Dear beautiful being, The old world has ended. Many have cried, mourned, resisted and wallowed in victim mode. With every ending always...

D ear beautiful friend, With Spring just around the corner this is truly THE best time to recalibrate your system through introspective...

A Glimpse into your treasure box
My dear beautiful friend, Your triggers will lead you to your treasure box. Your triggers are here to for you to witness yourself, they...

A Iiving prayer from my heart to yours.
Dear precious One, On this potent portaI of the New Moon in Scorpio/SoIar EcIipse I am anchoring in this Iiving prayer for what is so...

High LeveI Container
Dear Friend, you might be wondering what is a High LeveI Container? It is a sacred space where you are IovingIy heId & supported to move...

It’s aII about LifestyIe.
Dear BeIoved Friend, I can't emphasize enough: It’s aII about LifestyIe. A IifestyIe shift is the key to activating & up-IeveIing every...
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