Dear beautiful friend, You are at the beginning of a new decade and a new chapter on your divine path. Say “YES” to your heart’s longing and join us on the journey of a lifetime that connects you to your soul’s purpose. There is no better time than now to weave through the Sacred Valley in Peru with its mystical sites and portals and to embrace its liquid light energy. Here you can release the chains from the past and attachments to people and situations that are no longer in alignment with your path. Here you peel back the layers of who you think you should be in order to match other’s approval of you and face fears, self-doubts, vulnerability, and insecurities. Here you tune in deeply and crystallize your values, your visions and your dreams. Here you commune with the natural world and let Gaia do the recalibration. When you recalibrate you can then remember yourself as a self-sourcing energetic field. We are all holding hurts, pains and angers in our bodies and in our energetic fields. The more we clean and clear the energetics of difficult interactions the more we are aligning to our hearts and to our ultimate resonance. Plant medicine is a frequency key that helps you recover ancient soul memory & clear distortions in your field that keep you from resonating with the frequency of your dreams. Shadow work is for those who are committed to make the unconscious conscious so you can become the ruler of your life. Otherwise these unconscious patterns will rule you. These are just some examples how this retreat offers deep transformation from the inside out… Once you get in alignment with your vision & purpose, and be inspired by some greater force beyond what you can see… ….ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!! You can tap into aspects of yourself that are hidden or denied and you can discover gifts you didn’t even know you have. You can identify old belief patterns and then by transmuting them you are no longer held back by the trigger and awaken to deeper levels of freedom beyond anything you ever imagined is possible. You can surrender layers of control and resistance and this opens you up to the pure flow of ecstatic joy where life becomes a dance. And life becomes play. And there is more… And more… I am so thrilled to share all this with you and looking forward to hear from you. I am happy to answer any questions and we offer different payment plans to accommodate your specific needs. Lots of Love and light, Sabina