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    ear beautiful friend,

    With Spring just around the corner this is truly THE best time to recalibrate your system through introspective time of self-care and inner cleansing so you can experience the true "BLISSINGS" that life offers for you. This is nothing narcissistic but everything about nourishing yourself fully so you can give fully to others.

    True healing is about removing the obstructions that are blocking you from experiencing the ecstasy & joy that is deep within you.

    The more aligned you are with your true Nature the more you have to offer to humanity & the planet.

    It starts with a shift in consciousness. Knowing that you are EVERYTHING, Divinity embodied. Knowing that you have the power to heal yourself. You are the medicine womb-man and medicine man.

    Optimal Health, Natural Beauty and Radical Aliveness is your birthright. It is here for you if you so choose. It has nothing to do with age and reclaiming this is never too late.

    The foundation is creating a shift in your lifestyle. And owning that you are working for the Divine.

    I just completed a 6 day Spring Cleanse. 2 days juice fast. 1 day water fast. 3 days dry fast.

    It was one of the most profound healing experiences and allowed me to venture into the really deep places. While there were some challenging moments overall I was in a state of deep inner peace, super awareness and tuned into the subtleties of energetic frequencies. Some of the physical results were my vision sharpened, the flexibility in my muscles increased, kidneys flushing optimally, digestion improved, tooth pain disappeared, happiness level heightened, just to name a few. Not to mention the spiritual benefits such as astral traveling and tuning into the higher realms of awareness.

    Most of all, the deep joy I experienced after the detox was indescribable. True rapture just from simply being alive. Gratitude for the preciousness of each moment.

    When your body becomes cleaner all your systems are being upgraded and are working more efficiently. Your inner chemistry changes. You are holding a higher frequency.

    Fasting transform your cells so every cell is working FOR YOU and NOT against you.

    It removes what stands in your way to truest bliss.

    What are you choosing for your Spring cleanse?

    Please know it does not need to be an intense fast. Cleansing can be achieved through raw living foods, eating fruit only for a day, doing an herbal cleanse, practicing silence or through prayers/devotional practices.

    Wherever you are, go to the next level. Try something new, explore and be adventurous. And most of all, love yourself in the process.

    I see you and holding gracious space for your divine guidance.

    With divine love,


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