Dear beloved friend,
We have been through the raging fire and emerging in pure crystalline Light.
2020 felt as we were hit by a bolder and at the same time there has never been a more expansive and potent portal.
As the year is ending I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your openness to receive my offerings.
I invite you to reflect what you have been confronted with this year that you then learnt to transform?
What is still lingering within you that you would like to shift?
What reality and visions are you creating for 2021?
What is your dream that you hold for humanity and our planet?
Last weekend I co-hosted a women’s circle and shamanic ceremony with 23 women. The experience was profoundly nourishing as we were all weaving our unique magic into the circle and love was flowing freely and abundantly.
It became so clear that we are all longing for authentic deep connections. So much opened up through eye gazing, hugging, dancing and sharing of songs & prayers.
True connections allow you to witness yourself through others.
It burns away the shield from your heart.
It trains your eyes for pure beauty. You resonate with the high heart frequency and and then project it out there.
It releases energetic ties to false beliefs (such as cult programming of social distancing)
You reclaim your super nature.
My intention for 2021 is creating deep connections we have never seen and felt before.
Unity consciousness & cosmic love. Outrageous bliss.
This is only the beginning. The best is yet to come…
Wishing you miraculous joyous holidays and may you hold your dream in great sacredness.
Infinite Blessings,