Dear divine precious being, This is an invitation to explore your you-nique you-nicorn energy and to exit the "spiritual amnesia". Unicorns are mystical creatures that can shift easily between the visible reality and the non-visible realm. They invite us to stretch our imagination to places we have never been before. All magical energy exists outside of space and time. We all have our you-nique magic which is the you-nique medicine that is needed for planetary healing. When you inner-stand your magic, you want nothing more than to bring it out, live it fully and share it with others. Hence you will then unlock more of YOU. It starts by owning that you are a true you-nicorn in your you-niverse. This process of in-volution will then lead to e-volution. No one else has the exact same gift as you and your you-nique gift is needed right now in this world in this ongoing "collective detox". Your you-nicorn energy is easy to access when you hold the pristine space of love with your pure heart song. At all times you must be vigilant of the two tricksters: The victim and the saboteur. The victim tends to always blame someone or something for their challenges. This archetype often looks for someone or something outside of them to tell them what to do. (f.ex. GOVERN-MENT, from latin, meaning mind control !!!) As a true you-nicorn you know that all in-volution starts with taking 100% responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life. You know you are the creator and manifest your reality through your choices. If you don’t like what you created then you can choose differently next time. When you are faced to make a choice, ask yourself the following questions: Is this coming from deep inner knowing or is it just a belief that you took on from someone else? Are you ready to be completely vulnerable and radically honest with yourself? The saboteur likes to mislead you through disempowering beliefs that you don’t even realize you have. These patterns are running on auto-pilot based on limitations you made up about the world and yourself. Ask yourself: How do you show up to yourself? Do you show up as your highest reflection fully embodied in your values and gifts? Or do you just follow along to what the majority of people are doing as you like to fit in and be liked? What do you actually truly value in your life? (True values, not material possession). Make a list with your highest values and focus on these values daily. This will crystallize your soul’s purpose and you become more clear on your vision. What you focus on expands.